BBC Radio 3 (Classical, jazz and non-western music and study in musical topics), originally the Third Programme. (90-93 FM) - Website
BBC Radio 4 (Non-musical entertainment such as drama, comedy, news programmes and factual programmes), previously the Home Service, formed in 1939 from the fusion of the pre-war National and Regional Programmes. Radio 4 has both FM and longwave frequencies and broadcasts a limited amount of different programming on the two bands. (92-95 FM, 198 LW) - Website
BBC Radio 5 Live (News and sports analysis and commentary), originally BBC Radio 5. (909 and 693 MW) - Website
BBC Asian Network (Broadcasting in English and a variety of other languages; available as an analogue broadcast in some parts of the Midlands and Northern England) -Website
BBC Empire Service: replaced during World War II by the General Overseas Service
Wartime Broadcasting Service A service of the BBC intended to broadcast for over three months after a nucear attack on the United Kingdom, or if conventional bombing and shelling destroyed peacetime BBC transmitters (it never went on air).